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Taking the Hawk’s Place: The Lyric Voice of Narrative in Jeffers’ Point Sur
Tamar and Other Poems (New York: Peter G. Boyle, Publisher, 1924
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Textual Mediation
Textual Mediation
The Awkward Marriage: Speaking, Writing, and (Digital) Media
The Beginning and the End & Other Poems (Ed. Melba Barry Bennett. New York: Random House, 1963)
The Collected Poetry of Robinson Jeffers
The Collected Poetry of Robinson Jeffers: Volume Five, Commentary and Critical Apparatus
The Collected Poetry of Robinson Jeffers: Volume Four, Poetry 1903-1920, Prose, and Unpublished Writings
The Collected Poetry of Robinson Jeffers: Volume One, 1920-1928
The Collected Poetry of Robinson Jeffers: Volume Three, 1939-1962
The Collected Poetry of Robinson Jeffers: Volume Two, 1928-1938
The Double Axe and Other Poems (New York: Random House, 1948)
The Muse Learns to Tape
The Politics That Aren’t in the Poetry of Robinson Jeffers
The Problematic Nature of Tamar and Other Poems
The Sayings & Wisdom of Dr. Twang (aka Dr. Twang’s Little Blue Book), as Gathered from His Guitar Case, Transcribed from Various Bar Napkins and other Ephemera & Arranged & Edited by Professor B. S. Cou de Rouge, PhD, Southeast West State University
The Selected Poetry of Robinson Jeffers
The Selected Poetry of Robinson Jeffers (New York: Random House, 1938)
The Tao of Twang (blurbs)
The Tao of Twang (CW Books, 2014)
The Tao of Twang (Reviews)
The Tao of Twang (sample poems)
The Tao of Twang (sample poems)
The Textuality of Soulwork: Kerouac’s Quest for Spontaneous Prose
The There There and Not There in the Writing of Writing: Textuality and Modern American Poetry
The Thickening Empire: Jeffers’ Struggle with History
The Voice within the Voice: Hearing Jeffers´ Poetry through the Letters
The Women at Point Sur
The Women at Point Sur (New York: Boni & Liveright, 1927)
Thirteen Ways of Talking to a Blackbird
Thurso’s Landing and Other Poems (New York: Liveright, 1932)
Ticket Stubs & Liner Notes (blurbs)
Ticket Stubs & Liner Notes (Main Street Rag, 2018)
Ticket Stubs & Liner Notes (reviews)
Ticket Stubs & Liner Notes (sample poems)
Til Twangdom Come
To Date or Not to Date: Jeffers’ “Pearl Harbor”
Turning from the High Lamps to Love the Low Hills: The Story the Story of Jeffers’ “Metempsychosis” Tells
Twice upon a Road: The Scroll and Viking Versions of On the Road
T. Texas Drives the Back Roads (aka Burma Shave)
T. Texas Sets Out to Set the TV Announcer Straight